Friday, January 11, 2013

The Diet

So as I said in the Intro my doctor ordered me to start an anti-inflammation/elimination diet. It starts out with the bare essentials and then adds foods back in as you go. It's a good way to figure out if you have any food sensitivities or allergies.

The way my doctor explained it to me was that I would be taking antibiotics to kill off the bacteria and following the diet to "provide a hostile environment that discouraged bacterial growth." The idea of providing a hostile environment for illness is something that has stuck with me. 

So I have been following the diet from Recipes For Repair since May 2012. 

Here are some pointers to get started:


Give yourself about 1 week to prepare before starting the diet. Get your ingredients. Organize your spice rack (or get a spice rack if you don't have one). Throw away any bad food that's in your kitchen. Clean out your fridge & freezer. 

I read a great article several months ago that I can't find now to link you to. It was about changing how you think about food. We tend to eat food that makes us feel good emotionally. The key is to eat food that makes you feel good physically. Once you know the difference, you will crave the good stuff and forget the bad. 

Read Labels!!!

You have learn how to read labels like a hawk. Give yourself extra time at the grocery store for label reading. In the beginning it took me about 2 hours to read all of the food labels and get through the grocery store but it gets easier as you go. 


Learn about the food industry. Once I learned about what I was eating, where it was coming from and how it was produced - it was much easier to make the change. Here are some good videos. Watch them. 

Decoding Your Produce

GMO Ticking Time Bomb


Probably the biggest obstacle I had to overcome was learning how to cook. I was the most undomesticated person on the planet before all of this started. saved my life. The most fantastic website for the domestically challenged... you type in the ingredients you are allowed to eat and it tells you what you can make with them and how to make it. 


It takes time to prepare healthy food. I plan 30 minutes to 1 hour before each meal for food preparation. Plan ahead and be prepared to take the time necessary to cook your food. Once I learned a few recipes I would cook larger batches of things at once to give myself a break. 

Seriously people, I used to nuke it or drive thru it for all of my meals. If I can do this anyone can. 


I eat a lot of organic fruits and veggies. I eat raw foods everyday and I try to eat a variety of colors. Eat from the rainbow. I usually snack on nuts such as almonds or cashews in between meals. 

Foods I was advised to stay away from include sugar, bread (yeast), white potatoes, pizza, pasta, dairy, peanuts and alcohol. 


  1. Erin - This is a fabulous start to what is sure to be a high demand niche blog on a subject whose impact is defining for those affected by Lyme disease. Good luck and once you have several posts written promote the hell out of it to get it out.
